Everything You Need To Know About Ventilator

Hi friends!

I’m a Biomedical Engineer.

This is my first blog. And my future blogs will be related to Biomedical Engineering.

Let’s start our journey with an important medical device called ventilator.

The ventilator is an important life saving equipment. Therefore it is important for every healthcare professional to know in detail  about ventilator. In this blog we are going to see important concepts about ventilator. Lets get into the topic.

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The ventilator is a machine which is
designed mechanically to move breathable air into and out of the lungs, to
provide mechanism of breathing for a patient who is not able to breathe

Image courtesy: Wikimedia commons

Licensed under: CC Share Alike 

1. Inspiratory valve opens & expiratory
valve closes
. Here circuit pressure is greater than lung pressure. So gas is
pushed into the lungs, as a result lung inflates.

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Licensed under: CC Share Alike 

2. Expiratory valve opens &
inspiratory valve closes
.  Here circuit pressure drops below the pressure
of lungs. So gas is pushed out of the lungs, as a result lung shrinks.
1. The positive pressure ventilator works by increasing the patients
airway pressure through endotracheal tube.
2. Positive pressure allows the air to
flow inside the airway until the ventilator air is terminated.
3. Then the pressure drops to 0 and
elastic coil of lungs pushes the breathe out through passive exhalation.
Iron Lung
1. In negative pressure ventilator, Pressure
inside the tank is mechanically withdrawn to create a vacuum inside the tank
causing the expansion of lungs results in negative pressure inside the lungs
and increases the flow of ambient air into the lungs.
2. Once the vacuum inside the tank is
released, pressure inside the tank matches the ambient air pressure. 
3. The elastic coil of lung leads to
passive exhalation.
1. The high frequency ventilation is a form of
mechanical ventilation which combines, high respiratory rates greater than 60
breathes per minute with tidal volume smaller than volume of dead space.
2. In high frequency ventilation, gas exchange is optimized by utilizing
smaller tidal volumes with minimal alveolar stretch. 

Now I hope you have acquired some knowledge about ventilator.  We will discuss more about medical devices in future blogs.

If you find this blog post knowledgeable, share it with a friend! 

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