Generations of CT Scanners

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In our previous blog we have discussed about Personal  Protective Equipment.

Check out for the link given below.

Personal Protective Equipment

In Today’s blog we are going to see about different generations of CT scanners.

Invention of Computed Tomography is a revolution in
the healthcare sector. The contribution of Computed Tomography in diagnostic
and therapeutic fields in immense. Therefore it is important for every
healthcare professional to know in detail about the evolution of CT scanners.

Let’s get into the topic.


Computed Tomography was introduced by G.N. Hounsfield
at Central Research Laboratories. The idea of computed tomography raised when
G.N. Hounsfield was trying to identify what is inside a box by taking X rays at
various angles around a box. Computed Tomography was commercialized in 1972.



Computed Tomography provides 3 Dimensional cross
sectional images of internal organs and structures. Computed Tomography gives
three dimensional informational on a single plane. The ct scanners are used to view images of
internal organs, bones, soft tissues and blood vessels. Gives information on
the size and location of organs.

Image courtesy: Wikimedia commons
Licensed under: CC Share Alike 

Before getting into the ct technology, we will discuss about the generations of ct scanners as following.


1st generation ct scanner has a single X ray source and single X ray detector. It takes
180 profiles in 180 seconds. Translate/rotate process. In order to acquire
every slice across the part of the body, the X ray tube and detectors has to be
moved linearly before rotating the position of X ray tube to acquire images at
different projection angles. The X ray tube and detector translate across one
slice (left), then rotates a very small amount and then translate back towards
right side. First generation CT Scanners used a pencil beam of one degree.

One of the disadvantages of 1st generation ct scanner is that scanning time is between 25-30 mins. Resolution was very poor
in 1st generation ct scanner.


2nd generation ct scanner is faster that previous
generation. It used a narrow fan beam of 10 degrees which results in a linear
array of 30 detectors. It covers 10 profiles per degree. It takes 180 profiles
in 18 seconds. Since it is a narrow fan beam, 2nd generation ct scanner still requires a Translate/Rotate process.

Scanning time was improved than the first generation
CT scanners. More number of detectors contributed to a more scattered
radiation. It decreased the resolution of the image.


3rd generation ct scanner used a larger fan beam of
40 – 60 degrees which covers the entire patient (one slice) at a time. It is a
Rotate/Rotate process. Larger fan beam eliminated the need for translate motion
across the single slice. Now X ray tube and detector can rotate together across
the desired projection angles, instead of taking multiple multiple slices per
projection angle.

Larger array of detectors (more than 800) were used. Scanning
time was reduced to 2 seconds.

Because of large array of detectors, there is problem
in calibration of each detectors which resulted in a ring artifact of the image


4th generation ct scanner has stationary detector
ring and rotating X ray tube to overcome detector drift (ring artifact in third
generation).  Circular array of fixed
detectors is used. Thus it is a Rotate/Stationary process.

Because of reduced movement of detectors, scanning
time is even reduced.

One of the disadvantage of 4th generation ct scanner is the lesser usage of detectors, only 1/4th of detectors are in use at a single time. Stationary detector requires a larger acceptance angle for
radiation, therefore it is more sensitive to scattered radiation than third
generation CT scanners.


5th generation ct scanner is also called as Electron Beam scanners and Cine CT scanners.

Since heart is one of
the fastest moving organ in human body, it requires even a quicker scan time to
take cardiac imaging. In order to achieve that all the movements in a CT
scanner was restricted. Thus 5th generation ct scanner used a Stationary/Stationary
process. It consists of a large X ray tube, inside of which patient lies during
the scan. It is a large tungsten ring that circles around the patient, opposite
to the detector ring. When electrons emitted from electron beam falls on the
tungsten ring, it produces the X ray beam which passes through the patient and
collected in the opposite detector ring.

It takes 17 CT slices
per second with a sweep time of 50 micro seconds. Image is acquired in less
than 100 micro seconds.

5th generation ct scanner is very useful in cardiac imaging. It produces the images of
contraction and relaxation of heart.

However 5th generation ct scanner is very costly and popular only in the field of


6th generation ct scanner is also called as Helical CT scanners.

In all previous
generations, gantry needs to be stopped to change angle projections. So image
acquisition is not a continuous process. In order to overcome this problem
Helical CT scanners was introduced with a slip ring technology.

Here patient is moved
through a rotating X ray beam and detector set. X ray beam from CT traces a
helical path. Helical path results in a three dimensional data, which can be
reconstructed into sequence of images. Entire helical CT scan can be performed
in a single breath hold.

One of the
disadvantage of helical CT scanners is that image is produced in a helical
form, thus no full slices of data are available. However this problem can be
compensated through a reconstruction process.

Image courtesy: Wikimedia commons
Licensed under: CC Share Alike 


7th generation ct scanner used a cone shaped X ray beam. Unlike pencil beam and fan beam in
earlier generation, cone beam does not pass through the narrow collimeter.
Therefore intensity of the X ray beam is not strongly reduced and can interact
more efficiently with a detector array.

And also linear array
of detectors in previous generations are modified as flat panel detectors or
multiple detector array.

Thus 7th generation ct scanner can acquire more information in a very short span of


Now I hope you have
acquired some knowledge about generations of ct scanners. We will
discuss about Imaging Technology of Computed Tomography and artifacts of
Computed Tomography in our next blog.

Please check out for the link below


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