Hi friends!!!
In our previous blogs, we have discussed about the following topics.
IEC 62304 Software Development Planning
IEC 62304 Overview & Definitions
IEC 60601-1 Classification of Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 General Requirements for Testing Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 Medical Electrical Systems
IEC 60601-1 Protection against unwanted and excessive radiation hazards
IEC 60601-1 General Requirements
IEC 60601-1 Programmable Electrical Medical Systems
IEC 60601-1 Hazardous situations and fault condition
IEC 60601-1 Construction of Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 Leakage Currents and Patient Auxiliary Currents
IEC 60601-1 Creepage Distance and Air Clearance
IEC 60601-1 Components and Wiring
IEC 60601-1 Mechanical Hazards Moving Parts
IEC 60601-1 Excessive Temperatures
IEC 60601-1 Markings on the Outside of Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 Markings on the Inside of Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1 Instability Hazards
IEC 60601-1 Separation of Parts
EU MDR Timeline, Annex, Chapter
EU MDR Post Market Surveillance
EU MDR Technical Documentation – Part 1
EU MDR Technical Documentation – Part 2
EU MDR General Safety and Performance Requirement
EU MDR Information on the Label
EU MDR Post Market Clinical Follow Up
EU MDR Unique Device Identification – Part 1
EU MDR Unique Device Identification – Part 2
EU MDR Chapter & Articles – Part 1
EU MDR Chapter & Articles – Part 2
In today’s blog, we are going to discuss about IEC 62304.
IEC 62304 states the requirements for Medical Device Software. Satisfying the requirements of IEC 62304 is an important task in order to ensure the safety of patients and efficacy of software used in treating the patients.
Therefore, it is important for Medical Device QA/RA Professionals to understand about Software Requirements Analysis as per Clause 5.2 of IEC 62304.
Let’s get into the topic.
Software Requirements Analysis
Software Requirement Analysis is a means of defining and documenting the needs and expectations from end users and stakeholders about the software products that are important and needed to be fulfilled by the Software.
The following are the overview of key steps in performing Software Requirement Analysis:
Identify the right stakeholders and end users of the software product.
Capture requirements from the stakeholders and end users by establishing suitable means of communication.
Categorize the requirements. For e.g., as Performance Requirements, Technical Requirements etc.
Document the requirements and get alignment from the stakeholders and end users to proceed with the implementation phase.
For each Software System of the Medical Device, the Software System requirements derived from the System level requirements shall be defined and documented by the manufacturer of the Medical Device Software. If the Software System is a stand-alone Software only device, there may not be any difference between the Software System Requirements and System level requirements.
Software Requirements Content
As appropriate, the Software requirements of the Medical Device Software shall include the following information, but are not limited to:
The Functional and Capability requirements. For e.g., Information about Performance requirements, Physical Characteristics, Computing Environment and Compatibility of the Medical Device Software.
Information about the alarms, warnings, and operator messages which are software driven.
Security requirements of the Medical Device Software.
User interface requirements implemented by the Medical Device Software. For e.g., information about human-equipment interactions etc.
Information about the Inputs and Outputs of the Software System, Interfaces between Software Systems and other Systems.
Installation and acceptance requirements of the Medical Device Software delivered at the site of operation and maintenance.
Information about the Regulatory requirements of the Medical Device Software.
Security requirements of the Medical Device Software.
Requirements related to IT-network aspects of the Medical Device Software. For e.g., Information about Network protocols, Information about handling of unavailability of network services.
Information related to methods of operation and maintenance of Medical Device Software.
Data definition and Database requirements.

Risk Control Measures in Software Requirement
The Risk Control measures implemented in the Medical Device Software shall be included in the Software System requirements by the manufacturer. These requirements may not be available at the initial stages of the software development. These requirements might change when the software is designed and when risk control measures are further defined.
Re-evaluate Medical Device Risk Analysis
The Medical Device’s risk analysis shall be re-evaluated by the manufacturer when the software requirements is established and updated as appropriate.
Update requirements
All other existing requirements, along with System level requirements shall be re-evaluated and updated as appropriate by the manufacturer, whenever there is any change to the Software system requirements.
Verification of Software Requirements
The following aspects of the Software requirements shall be verified and documented by the manufacturer:
Software requirements shall be suitable for establishment of test criteria and performance of the tests.
Software requirements shall be uniquely identified.
Software requirements shall not contradict with one another.
Each Software requirement shall be traceable to System requirements and other sources.
Now I hope you have acquired some basic knowledge about Software Requirement Analysis as per Clause 5.2 of IEC 62304. We will meet again with another valuable topic related to Biomedical Engineering, Medical Device, Healthcare.
NOTE: Dear friends!!!… Please do comment a topic related to Biomedical, so that we can discuss it in future blogs.
Check out for this blog about Computed Tomography, X ray, MRI scan, ECG.
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